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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - bag n.


Связанные словари

Bag n.

bag n.
1) sack, shopping bag, reticule, string bag, Chiefly Brit carrier bag, Scots or dialect poke, pocket: They have helpers at the supermarket who will carry your bags to your car for you. 2) baggage, luggage, valise, satchel, grip, suitcase, overnight bag, carry-on luggage or bag, Gladstone bag, carpet-bag, portmanteau, toilet kit or case, sponge bag; briefcase, attach‚ case, dispatch- or despatch-case: Boarding in London I flew to Buenos Aires while my bag went to Seoul. 3) purse, handbag, evening bag, wallet, Highland dress sporran: She reached into her bag and felt the gun that the Commander had given her. 4) crone, hag, beast, ogress, gorgon, nightmare, witch, harridan, Archaic beldam, Slang old bat, dog, monster, US two-bagger: Derek has been romancing some old bag for her money. 5) occupation, hobby, avocation, business, vocation, department, concern, affair, Colloq lookout, worry, Slang thing: Peter's bag at the moment is learning to play the violin. --v. 6) catch, trap, ensnare, snare, entrap, capture, land; kill, shoot: We bagged six pheasants and two partridges this morning.
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